Saturday, January 24, 2015


Hey everyone! So I would like to introduce myself. You may have read my Google+ posts and such, so you know I have a bunny. Her name is Hazel, and at the moment she is about 6 months old. I also have a Persian/Himalayan cat named Maui, and he is 16 years old!! He's a pretty old cat, especially since we haven't ever taken him to the vet or anything.
Anyhow, onto me. I have two sisters and a brother. A lot of what this blog will be about is my videos that I take with my Hero3 White GoPro. I love gymnastics, rock climbing, and hiking. Along with that, I may do some book reviews of the books I read, and well just, some random notes I feel like posting. Also, I will post LOTS of pictures of Hazel, (my bunny!) and I may do some trail reports on how things are when I go hiking/rock climbing outside. Anyway, enjoy my blog!
And yes, I do believe that I'm the awesomest person alive, hence the name of the blog!! :)

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